Thursday 9 February 2012

Idea for our assignment

This is the next part of our assignment that we have chosen. We have decided on this because it will be fun to make and easy, we have also decided to do make this with clay, so it will be a clay animation.

Idea's for our assingment

This is a short clip from the movie 'Scary Movie' we have decided to do this scene as it is will be easy and fun to do. Me and Joel have decided to make a cut out animation for this scene.

Thursday 2 February 2012

This is a short clip of Tom and Jerry, which is cell based animation. Cell based is produced by drawing 25 pictures and then changing the image ever so slightly for every second.

Wallace and Gromit Commercial

This is an example of model based animation, a short clip of the famous Wallace and Gromit.
The way model animation is made, is by taking a single picture of the model and for every second of the film there would be 25 pictures, and after every 25 pictures, you'd move the model ever so slightly, so the eye believes it is moving.